Lisa Tomczeszyn Art Statement
Artists are the chroniclers of human experiences. I believe the act of creating art is a uniquely human experience – it is an act that is not biologically necessary to sustain life yet from mankind’s origins humans have recorded their personal histories by making art. I am starting to see a future where my main creative practice will be solely focused on statement art. Art as decoration is everywhere, I am feeling called to create work for public spaces to bring attention to causes that I feel deeply about.
I believe that color has metaphorical weight. I work in reaction to the beauty of the natural world, specifically the interactions between atmosphere, light, and the earth. The horizon demarcating earth and atmosphere occupy daily reflection. My work is a meditation on the chemistry of light, air, water and the combinations of sky and weather patterns. My paintings of nature are a personal form of prayer and gratitude. When I create a piece of statement art, I use the intensity of the color to convey my emotional human response to events.
My statement art practice is in constant response to current events and the wayward actions of humankind. Art helps us make sense of the beautiful and the horrific act of living.

"The Ghost Trees of Lake Waco" Watercolor on Paper 26" x 40"

"Pond Audubon" W atercolor on Paper18" x 24"

"Fire Season" watercolor on paper 12" x 16"